5.0 out of 5 stars How do you deal with The Shadow?
January 22, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
Matter is not substance but soul; that is, pure emptiness. That’s another way of saying the material world is an illusion, not the reality that most of us perceive it to be. This concept exists in most spiritual philosophies and many of you are already familiar with it (from The Course in Miracles, Wayne Dyer, Kabbalistic teachings, Buddhism, Western mystery schools, etc.)
The concept of an illusionary material realm that must be overcome to achieve “heaven” is at the heart of all serious spiritual/metaphysical philosophies. This book explains it in the language of depth psychology. Referencing Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, and her personal teacher James Hillman, she also credits Buddhist meditation and Shamanic Tantric Yoga for the context in which she offers this wisdom to readers.
Williams is an initiate into the esoteric teachings of the Mother Mantra. In the beginning chapters of this book she reveals those teachings for the first time, relying on an obtuse, veiled-reference style reminiscent of Alice Bailey to convey the information without giving away the secret keys which unlocks it powers. She includes detailed exercises for those who are serious about pursuing this path. Those who are willing to do the work will find the esoteric keys for themselves.
In Chapter Six, she steps out of the shadows of the esoteric elite and delivers a direct, powerful dissertation on embracing the personal Shadow and tapping into the wealth and potency of the subconscious. She compares and contrasts “Desacralized Therapy” and “Sacred Rite”. She tells readers that we can “transform our own egocentric suffering into a force of love that can accomplish magic”. She warns us that “Forgetting to be the dreamer, we fall victim to our own dreams”. She says that “Alchemical transmutation requires a ritual” and that “The myth only really comes back to life through oral transmission”. She is a staunch advocate for reconnecting personal, human experience to the sacred teachings.
This is an insightful, down-to-earth discussion of returning the energized sacred to an increasingly misguided material world.
(InannaWorks endorsement on Amazon.com)