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Shamanic Yoga School: second Open Day, moving out of the Third Dimension

20 June 2024 @ 08:00 - 10:00

We invite you to join us on 20th June 2024 for the  intensive open day-seminar of SHAMANIC YOGA.

The ultimate fulfillment of our spiritual journey is the manifestation of love, joy and wisdom in our lives. This is the essence of a new spiritual awakening–a movement into fourth, fifth and higher dimensions. In this state of consciousness we can see through the limitation of the outmoded system of separation, and we encompass wholeness with a heart-centered, expanded reality.

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Moving out of the Third Dimension

In this seminar we will focus all of the following areas

  • Opening the heart
  • Transmuting fear
  • Rethinking your purpose
  • Aging/health/the body
  • Change
  • Relationships/intimacy


  • Bringing Joy into Life

What is trauma and how do we transform it?  

What does it mean to embody resilience?  

When we turn our attention to animals in the wild we see that they exhibit no trauma – even though their lives are fraught with daily, life-threatening challenges. After each potentially traumatic event, they are able to re-set and return to their normal activities. They are resilient. How do they embody this? Our body has this same innate, natural capacity. This seminar is about discovering and uncovering these answers.

During these challenging times, we can find ourselves experiencing strong emotional states such as fear, anger, grief, even numbness and withdrawal. We can experience varying degrees of body states such as pain, throbbing or trembling. At times, these emotional or physical states can feel so real, so persistent. We can have a hard time finding our way back to ease, flow, Grace — as the animals in the wild do so naturally.

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Il corso è svolto allo scopo della ricerca interiore, del problem solving e della crescita personale, non tratta e non si pone come obiettivo la risoluzione di patologie e sintomi di stretta pertinenza medico/sanitaria. Esso è per tutti gli spiriti liberi, per chi sa scorgere nelle difficoltà delle opportunità di crescita, per chi crede che la felicità sia cosa di questo mondo, per chi sa piangere a volte e ridere molto ed è disposto ad amare incondizionatamente. I servizi forniti da Associazione di Nonterapia non si sostituiscono nemmeno in parte all’opera di medico e psicologi. In caso di patologia è necessario rivolgersi a un medico.


20 June 2024
08:00 - 10:00
