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The Forest Therapy Guide school in English 2025

27 Marzo @ 07:30 - 29 Maggio @ 09:00

The Forest Therapy Guide school is now available in English! 

The school will start on the 27th of March 2025 and will end on the 29th of May 2025.

It is a 9 week online training and it will be conducted live on clickmeeting. Every Thursday from 07:30 am to 9:00 am you will learn directly from Selene Calloni Williams the ancient art of immersion in nature and you will have the opportunity to chat with her during the live session and to interact with the private Facebook group whenever you want.

It is also a great opportunity to internationalize your work!

English or Italian speaker, this school is for you, to open your heart and your mind to the Shinrin-Yoku, the art of “forest bathing”. You will deepen your relationship with nature, with yourself and with your clients.

The School is entirely in English and provides a diploma amongst the most recognized in Europe as it is accredited by AISCON, the Italian-Swiss Association for professional counseling and coaching.



Have you ever thought of being able to travel into the woods, through the most luxuriant forests of the planet, in the steppes of Siberia, or to reach the most impetuous waterfalls and the most immense deserts and to do all of this in a completely imaginal and virtual way, from your home?

On this trip, you will learn, through a wonderful online course, the principles and the practices of the Shinrin-Yoku. It will change the way you live as you will learn to practice the Shirin-Yoku in every moment of your life. You will deepen your contact with nature, whether it is represented by a magnificent forest, or it is represented by the geranium seedling you have at home or by the trees in your city park.

In the forest you learn that non-duality is the state of the relationship that goes beyond the subject and the object. All relationships are beyond the subject and the object. When we are in a relationship with another person,  this person acts as our mirror: we are reflections of each other and reflections cannot exist as separate individualities, they exist only in a relationship.

Excerpt from SCW Shinrin-Yoku

You can watch the video as often as you like: 6 months from the time of purchase to immerse yourself in the depths of the event.


The course is conducted for the purpose of soul-searching, problem solving and personal growth; it does not deal with or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical/health related. It is for all free spirits, for those who can see in difficulties opportunities for growth, for those who believe that happiness is a thing of this world, for those who can cry sometimes and laugh a lot and are willing to love unconditionally.


Il corso è svolto allo scopo della ricerca interiore, del problem solving e della crescita personale, non tratta e non si pone come obiettivo la risoluzione di patologie e sintomi di stretta pertinenza medico/sanitaria. Esso è per tutti gli spiriti liberi, per chi sa scorgere nelle difficoltà delle opportunità di crescita, per chi crede che la felicità sia cosa di questo mondo, per chi sa piangere a volte e ridere molto ed è disposto ad amare incondizionatamente. I servizi forniti da Associazione di Nonterapia non si sostituiscono nemmeno in parte all’opera di medico e psicologi. In caso di patologia è necessario rivolgersi a un medico.


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The Forest Therapy Guide school in English 2025


27 Marzo @ 07:30
29 Maggio @ 09:00