Amo ergo sum

Un nuovo anno accademico per la Scuola di Yoga Sciamanico | YogaFestival

Now at the gates of 2023, Selene Calloni Williams gives new energy to the imaginary goal of revolutionizing consciences. The well-known writer, psychologist, anthropologist and shaman once again leads the Imaginal Academy to fulfil the Buddha’s last wish: to make all living beings happy and comfortable.

SCW will thus open the doors of the training of the Shamanic Yoga School, welcoming students who will become part of the imaginal universe in the year 2023. Shamanic yoga allows you to achieve the goals of elasticity and strengthening of the body more simply and quickly than any other gymnastics, precisely because the fluid sequences of postures are performed in a gently expanded state of consciousness in which physical and mental limits are more easily overcome.

Shamanic yoga also works in an extraordinary way on the activation of personal power and tools, reads an article published by YogaFestival, gifts, and talents, which serve in order to fulfil the mission for which the soul came. Each practice session leads you to discover with increasing intensity what is worth living for, and what you have to do and gives you the energy to do it decisively.

Thanks to the synergy between yoga and shamanism, shamanic yoga is based on the practice of fluid sequences: positions that recall the movement of animals, their sounds and their breathing and that allow awakening in the human brain that ‘cellular memory’ described by Sri Aurobindo:

“It is in the cellular frontier that the key is found, that is, the passage of death. And if transformation is possible in one body it is possible in all bodies. […] It will be the body that will build a bridge between physical life as we know it and the supramental life that will manifest.”

The first book written by Selene Calloni Williams dates back to 1999, followed by numerous other publications and books, the result of her research in the anthropological, psychological and scientific fields and through which she speaks to the heart and instinct, integrating atavistic yoga and shamanism of the origins with depth psychology. From the centrality of the fluid sequences of the book Mother Mantra to the shamanic rituals described in Initiation to Shamanic Yoga, up to deepening ‘the yoga of power’ to defeat insecurities, fears and anxieties in I believe I succeed!

Picture of Morgan K Barraco

Morgan K Barraco