Kintsugi is still being discussed, the book written by Selene Calloni Williams and published by Piemme in March 2023. Emphasizing the heart of the book’s message is a recent article written by Daniela Mambretti for La Provincia di Como.
“The author starts from the ancient Japanese art of repairing broken objects, using urushi lacquer and gold powder,” notes the journalist, “and she proposes it as a skill that we can all develop, to transform the lacerations of the body and soul into opportunities for full blossoming. To do this, she suggests some simple practices and meditations, but above all, she suggests some steps to follow consciously.”
The ancient Japanese art revolves around the will not to discard the broken ceramic pieces, but to find a new and renewed way to give them a new life thanks to the golden lacquer. A process that can also be applied to the human being, inherently imperfect and capable of achieving full freedom through the repair of one’s inner scars.