At the core of James Hillman’s work, a disciple of Jung, we find archetypal psychology and the concept of “soul-making.” Hillman’s archetypal psychology is revolutionary, focusing on the soul and archetype, departing from the dynamics of the psychoanalytic era. Archetypes, in particular, are defined by the American psychoanalyst as deep patterns of the psyche, as roots of the soul capable of governing the perspective through which human beings view the world and thus themselves.
At the root of archetypes, we find myths, expressions of the soul, speaking through images, visible even in the everyday lives of individuals and communities. Among the most read and appreciated books on the psychoanalyst is one of Selene Calloni Williams‘ renowned texts titled “James Hillman: The Path of Soul-Making and Deep Ecology,” published by Mediterranee. This is highlighted in a new article on the specialized website “,” which includes the text in its top 10 on Hillman.