Amo ergo sum

“Digiuno Immaginale” among the four must-read books | IoDonna

Selene Calloni Williams in Digiuno Immaginale proposes to regain awareness and meaning in the act of feeding ourselves, in an original and unique 9-step journey over 9 days, designed by her and inspired by the ancient Greek rituals of the Pythagorean philosophical school.

Alternating meditative practices and mythological stories punctuate the daily rhythms of a macrobiotic food diet based on the principles of naturopathy, and supplemented by progressive, planned and conscious fasting.

“Always nourishing only the body is not enough: you must also nourish the soul to feel truly satiated,” the author emphasizes.

Why read it

Author of numerous books translated into several languages and a documentary filmmaker, founder of Imaginal Academy, a Swiss counseling and coaching academy, Selene Calloni Williams returns to bookstores for Piemme (she has already published Wabi Sabi, Daimon and Kintsugi) with Digiuno Immaginale, a powerful new path to meditation through food (now on pre-order in Italy, but available for purchase March 12).

It consists of nine steps to regain awareness of eating in a truly healthy and natural way.

Never before in contemporary society have food, diets, and weight control been the focus of our attention.

Often in a climate of exaggerated healthism, we are fed all kinds of food plans, seemingly different from each other, but most often leading to the same conclusions: frustration, disappointment, guilt.

This is because underlying these diets is a materialistic and partial view of human beings, according to which the organism obeys mechanistic laws of cause and effect.

The food that nourishes it is perceived as mere physicochemical substance.

“It is not enough to nourish only the body, one must also nourish the soul.”

In Digiuno Imaginale SCW instead proposes the possibility of understanding ourselves in 360 degrees, of finding awareness and meaning in the act of feeding ourselves.

She thus proposes an original and unique 9-step path in 9 days, designed by her and inspired by the ancient Greek rituals of the Pythagorean philosophical school.

Alternating meditative practices and mythological tales punctuate the daily rhythms of a macrobiotic food diet based on the principles of naturopathy, and supplemented by progressive, planned and conscious fasting.

“Always nourishing just the body is not enough-you must also nourish the soul to feel truly satiated,” SCW emphasizes.

During a true meditative journey of the soul, fasting becomes a fundamental tool not only to regain psychological and physical well-being, but also to regain harmony with ourselves and the world around us; with food and thus with nature.

Conscious cooking, eating and fasting become tools to learn how to nourish the soul, before the body, in that one fundamental act that will make us finally feel full.

The first official presentation of Digiuno Imaginale will be held on Thursday, March 14 at 6:30 p.m. in Milan at the Rizzoli bookstore in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

Picture of Morgan K Barraco

Morgan K Barraco