Amo ergo sum

Daimon ranks 9th in the ranking of the 10 best-selling books | NewsItaly24

Daimon. Discover your guiding spirit and heal with myths ranks 9th in the ranking of the 10 best-selling books wants to answer some questions that certainly many of us have asked themselves in the delicate moments of their lives: is it possible to heal the soul by reading a story? Selene Calloni Williams is convinced so, especially if the story is a myth and if the myth is told in an imaginal, aesthetic and non-moralistic key. The myth tells us of the origin of things, of how they manifested themselves in the world for the first time. And knowing the origin of things is the starting point for being able to transform them.

Each of us puts a myth on the stage of life and each of us frees himself, becomes reality, when he “recognizes” the myth he is living. Only then does he listen to the narrator who has always accompanied him: the daimon, the guiding spirit, custodian of the memory of an ancient golden age.


Picture of Morgan K Barraco

Morgan K Barraco