Amo ergo sum

Self-Healing and Deep Ecology: Honoring and Loving Your Wild Soul – Published on innerself

Self-Healing and Deep Ecology: Honoring and Loving Your Wild Soul

Written by Selene Calloni Williams

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Unless you are able to recognize and love diversity, the wild soul—  which always represents diversity—will always be put to a disadvantage  by the educational process.

Generally speaking, especially during the age of development, your  own peculiar traits are seen as fastidious characteristics that might  even hinder a successful life later on. Deceptively it would seem that  conforming to the given model of success might increase your chances of  success, whereas this is not at all true. Unconsciously you are led to  sedate, if not punish, the wild soul when it rears up and shows its  impatience for a “limited” life, when it shows its “difficult” and  “weird” ideas, when it shows its diversity …

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Picture of Morgan K Barraco

Morgan K Barraco